The conflict seems everlasting. However, the current situation has a long history shaped by concrete local and foreign interests. So exactly what happened and what is the current situation?To clarify this, intal organizes a one-day workshop on the subject.Programme*For Dummies* 11 am – 1 pm: history, current campaigns and modes of resistance 2 pm – 4 pm: Palestinian refugees: who are they, where do they live and what is their situation?*For experts* 11 am – 1 pm: Jeruzalem: mixed or segregated city? 2 pm – 5 pm: Current campaigns and Belgian and European complicity*For all* 6 pm – 8 pm: FILMSCREENING + DISCUSSION: The Lab An investigative Israeli documentary revealing how the Israeli military occupation in Palestine has become a business rather than a burden. Trailer:*SUBSCRIBE* Please subscribe by sending a mail to Mentioning your name and the session you would like to attend.Participation is for free. However, a free contribution is more than welcome 🙂 We are a volunteers-based movement with very little resources.

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